Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sincerity. defines sincerity as “freedom from deceit, hypocrisy, or duplicity”. So, when I say that I am sincerely happy for someone else, I mean it. Sometimes people say things like “aren’t you jealous”, or “they’re your ex, why are you happy for them”? I always fall back on my original statement. I am genuinely and sincerely happy for them.
I recently facebook friended one of my ex’s. He and I were together for about 5 years many, many, MANY years ago. We were kids, things didn’t work out. We ended up being friends after though, he was one of the first people I told when I found out I was pregnant, and I was one of the last people he saw before he went too Iraq for the first time.
These days, I am a happily engaged lady, and he has finally found someone that put a little sparkle back in his eye. When I say I am happy for him, I mean it. With all my heart, with the possible capacity that my heart can handle. I am happy to see him in a relationship where he can flourish and grow. I am excited about their future together for them.
I’ve had friends that have gone on to more schooling and graduated. One of my closest friends when I was pregnant was a girl named Meg. She and I were really close. Things happened, and for some reason it ends up being a little difficult to maintain friendships with non-parent friends when you become a parent. She is passing through school with grace and she is pursuing her goals to be a nurse. She’s doing amazing at it. She puts up happy statuses on facebook, and posts happy pictures. Even though we aren’t as close as we once were, I am still very happy that her life is going so well.
Some people might not know this, but, I almost gave Jillie up for adoption. I made a plan and everything. Things didn’t work out that way (obviously), and Jillie is still mine <3. However, I always thought of the couple and hoped fervently that they would get to experience the utter joy of being a parent. When the wife contacted me to tell me about her beautiful little boy, and to tell me that she and her husband were happy to see that everything worked out for me, I cried. Completely happy tears, real tears. I was so happy to hear that things clicked into place for them. I know that sometimes, in this world of “dog eat dog”, it is a little unorthodox to be happy for someone else’s happiness. However, I feel like it’s a necessary part of life. It keeps you human, and lets to be connected to the people around you. I enjoy being genuinely happy for the people I love. It makes me happy to know that they are enjoying their lives. Maybe someday we can all be a little like that…


  1. <3 Love the picture! I know you just posted this and I shouldn't jump at the chance to comment but I totally feel ya! ;o) My ex hates me, for whatever reason. But I hear about him and his g/f from other friends and..I am also very happy for him. him and I were much too different and I'm really glad he's happy with someone who has more in common with him.

    The touching part of this was the adoptive parents. What a hard decision for you to decide about adoption...and then the harder part to have to tell the parents that the baby they were waiting for is not going to come. So glad it worked out for them, and how wonderful is it that they could understand your circumstances and not be upset and then to let you know what wonderful joy they finally did get. Put in your shoes that would make my heart sigh a sigh of relief and happiness for them.

    As goes the saying, "Everything happens for a reason" as much as I hate this saying is SO very true! =) xoxox

  2. I believe that saying is true too. Everything does happen for a reason. There is a reason for everything, good bad, or otherwise. Just like there is a reason for meeting everyone you do. Maybe it's not always profound, but the universe has a way of giving you what you need. You just have to learn to figure out why it gave you what it did, and your life has all the potential to be happy and productive. ^.^
