Sunday, February 26, 2012

Zombies really ARE scary!

 Adrenalin is a funny thing. I love being scared! It’s horrible!! I’m terrified of zombies, and yet I can’t stop myself from watching things like “Walking Dead” and “I am legend”…
 What’s wrong with me? I know I am just going to regret watching this stuff when I go to bed before I even turn it on. Yet, I do it anyways. I want to be scared silly. I want to feel frightened. I want to feel the rush of bolting from the car to the house as if every second has the possibility of being my last.
 One minute I think “I am a big brave toaster. I can totally watch this.” Then, the realization sinks in at the first sight of a zombie. “Oh my gosh! What have I done?! I can’t handle this! This is crazy!”
 I start to remember why I hate these movies in the first place. I remember that I am terrified of this ever actually happening. I even have a zombie survival guide! THEY AREN’T REAL!!! They don’t actually exist! It’s like being afraid of the boogey man!
 Yet, there is an entire entertainment industry built up around our complete fear and gruesome fascination of these vile creatures. We want to see movies where they are the bad thing. We want to see the gore. We want to know that there are still monsters under the bed. We want to remember that we are not invincible. Because putting a face on the monster is easier than facing a real monster that we can’t see with our own two eyes.
 Invisible monsters like cancer, viruses, heart disease, deteriorating bones, and bacteria. Things that are real, and do kill us, every day. We want to focus on the zombies because they are easy to figure out how to destroy. They look like they could be taken down with ease. Unlike real monsters, the ones you can’t see that come for your loved ones. The monsters that slowly take over your loved ones minds and their bodies. Slowly they become nothing but a shell of their former selves.   Nearly unrecognizable compared to what they used to be.
 Yeah, let’s just focus on the zombies. They don’t seem as scary. At least you can usually see them coming.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Just a little update...

 I always say thing like “I’m going to start a project and actually finish it.” Or, “I’m going to actually write in my blog." I go along for a little while, and then I get distracted.
  “I could do my project/ write in my blog, OR, I could watch TV/ got for a hike/ do something else.” I tell myself that it’s a project that’s just taking up too much time, that I have better things to do. I need to spend more time with Jillie. I have to spend a little more time cleaning/ reading/ making dinner.
  It’s a vicious cycle.
  So, I guess what I’m saying is this: bear with me while I attempt to reboot myself. I want to be the person that finishes things she starts. I want to be better about starting projects I know I can handle completing.
  I swear I’m trying to turn things around for myself. I want to be the kind of person that will inspire my daughter to be the best person she can be. I want to be the kind of person that can say “this is my finished project”. I’m hoping that with just a little willpower I can change things.
  I just need to keep reminding myself that this is what I want to do. I have goals and they need to be kept up with.